I agree. I am not as mature and old (just age -wise) as you are, but I guess I am at a point in my life where I see things more clearly and gracefully and observantly (think twice before you speak kind). Like you noted, for us conflicts and struggles, at a personal or societal level, are always the center of the universe if you think about it. All the advancement in science and technology, it is humans that always alter the outcomes, not the projections or algorithms or even logics.
People complain that technology as it is going more ‘advanced’ (compared to even 10 years ago — even social media that some argue necessary evil didn’t become a thing till 2007 for the society (as in businesses even didn’t recognize it as a marketing tool till then, let alone the fact that individuals use it for communication (and other stupid things). At the end of it all, it is always humans that do not have control over it when it comes to all the problems occurring. For instance, a study found that the rate of drink and drive among teens dipped as the rate of text and drive skyrocketed in the last five years. But as we all are well aware that it isn’t just the tees texting and driving, adults do it all the time (and I am guilty as charged although I cut down a whole lot). When you look at the drivers to your right or/and left at traffic lights, they are all busy texting or at least not keeping their eyeballs on the road because those eyeballs are glued to the screen of their phones.
On a separate note — love trumps all. I am sure it is true. I still need to live another 20 something more years to see what you see. Thanks for the reminder though.