Photographing JMT Part III — Day 22 thru 31
This is Part III of the John Muir Trail thru-hike that my JMT buddy Henry and I did back in August of 2018. My objective was to photograph the amazing landscapes of the Sierra Nevada as much as I could while backpacking the distance.
It was an amazing 31-day journey that I was able to complete, in spite of all the unforeseen technical difficulties, as I was fully committed to walk away with a plenty of photos that I could showcase the world.
This part of the timelapse picks up where the Part II left off, which is near Bench Lake. Once we left the campsites, we hiked through beautiful lakes, dizzyingly gorgeous meadows and breathtakingly spectacular passes, such as Pinchot and Forester Passes.
The spectacular views of Fin Dome and Painted Lady at Rae Lakes had always been one of my favorites. And Kearsarge Lakes and Kearsarge Pass, which are not part of the JMT, offered one of the most beautiful scenes on this trip before/after picking up our resupplies. Picking up our resupply in Independence and treating ourselves with a good meal in Lone Pine energized us to finish the last stretch of the JMT strong all the way to Mt. Whitney.
The moon rose earlier and brighter each night, which made capturing the Milky Way challenging but also forced me to appreciate moonrises at Rae Lakes and Kearsarge Lakes.
And last but not least, the struggle to climb Mt. Whitney from near Hitchcock Lakes through rain and hail was as real as it could get, which made the whole experience more worthwhile when we watched the sunrise in the frigid cold morning temperature.
Please watch the Part I and Part II if you haven’t yet, and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more photography adventures. And do not hesitate to share this with your friends and photographers who would love it. Thanks!
John Muir Trail, Sierra Nevada, CA — from near Bench Lake to Mt. Whitney
#A7III, #adventure, #backcountry, #BeAlpha, #EasternSierra, #FinDome, #ForesterPass, #GlenPass, #geology, #GuitarLake, #HitchcockLakes, #InyoNationalForest, #JMT, #JMT2018, #JohnMuirTrail, #landscape, #landscapephotography, #mountains, #MtWhitney, #nature, #outdoors, #PinchotPass, #RaeLakes, #rockformation, #SequoiaNationalPark, #SierraNevada, #SonyAlpha, #sunrise, #sunset, #thruhike, #wilderness
© 2019 H Peter Ji
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About Me
I am a Los Angeles based wedding/engagement, family portrait, landscape and real estate photographer.