We shall return

H Peter Ji
2 min readFeb 4, 2017


Yosemite National Park, CA


I turned northeast. The sweeping view of the mountain range from the top of Mt. Hoffmann continued. The prominent Tuolumne Peak and beyond immediately came into view. There was a trail going up to the top of the peak from May Lake, but that wasn’t included in our excursion this time. To its right, Mt. Dana, second tallest peak (13,057 ft) in Yosemite National Park, and White Mountain loomed in the far distance. To its left, what appeared to be Dunderberg Peak rose. It is the farthest mountain my eyes could see. If it was indeed the farthest mountain in this mountain range, Owens Valley lay immediately after that. Right below us an unknown lake was seen, which soon dawned on us that if we hiked farther down the saddle between Tuolumne Peak and Mt. Hoffmann, it would be the beginning of the true wilderness where no road had gone in or come out. We shall return.

Yosemite National Park, CA

© 2017 H Peter Ji

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About Me

I am a landscape/adventure photographer, avid hiker and backpacker, passionate runner, traveller, blogger, content marketer, social media enthusiast. I can be connected on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Instagram.

Originally published at inherentlyadventurous.com on February 3, 2017.



H Peter Ji
H Peter Ji

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